Multi-effector FABRIK system.
FABRIKRoot is a component that connects FABRIK chains together to form extremely complicated IK systems with multiple branches, end-effectors and rotation limits.
Getting started:
- Create multiple FABRIK chains, position them as you want them to be connected. The chains don't have to be parented to each other
- Make sure the first bone of a child chain is in the same position as the last bone of its parent
- Create a new GameObject, add the FABRIKRoot component
- Add all the FABRIK chains to "Chains" in the FABRIKRoot component
- Press Play
Accessing the chains of FABRIKRoot:
public FABRIKRoot fabrikRoot;
void LateUpdate () {
- Separate FABRIK chains can not use the same bones, they must be fully independent
- The last bone of a FABRIK chain must be in the same position as its child chain's first bone
FABRIK Root chain being pulled
Component variables:
- fixTransforms - if true, will fix all the Transforms used by the solver to their initial state in each Update. This prevents potential problems with unanimated bones and animator culling with a small cost of performance
Solver variables:
- weight - the solver weight for smoothly blending out the effect of the IK
- iterations - max iterations per frame.
- rootPin - the weight of pinning the first chains to the Transform that the component is attached to
- chains - the list of FABRIK components used by this FABRIKRoot
Chain variables:
- IK - the FABRIK component used
- pull - parent pull weight. How much does this chain pull its parent?
- pin - resistance to being pulled by child chains. If 1, this chain can not be pulled out of place by its child chains
- children - indexes (of the "Chains" array) of the direct children of this chain. Don't add children of the children.